Il Covile

Il CovileIl Covile

rivista in rete
diretta da
stefano borselli

risorse conviviali
e varia umanità
issn 2279–6924

Non rifiutare ma preferire (Nicolás Gómez Dávila)
La via del saggio è fare ma non contendere (Lao Tze)

English editions

A collection of English language issues of the magazine  ​ Most read

In a nut shell

​ №560 (Luglio 2020) Jacques Camatte, Revue Invariance:From the index and some pages of presentation.

​ №580 (Dicembre 2020) Stefano Borselli, The divergence of '77Baudrillard-Camatte-Collu Versus Negri-Mieli-Foucault.

​ Karl Marx, On the pandemic.

​ Gruppo Gemeinwesen, For a minimal Theory of CapitalAnthology collection of excerpts on key concepts

Texts by Jacques Camatte

​  Attempt at a Comprehensive Bibliography of Jacques Camatte’s WritingsChronological order with edition list.

​ №554 (Giugno 2020) Jacques Camatte, The Instauration of the Risk of Extinction.

​ №560 (Luglio 2020) Jacques Camatte, Revue Invariance:From the index and some pages of presentation.

​ №571 (Ottobre 2020) Jacques Camatte, Enmity and extinction

​ №581 (Gennaio 2021) Jacques Camatte, Inversion & the rupture in continuity.

​ Jacques Camatte, SituationHere is where death is, here is where we have to jump.

​ №632 (Aprile 2022) Jacques Camatte, Death and extinctionConcerning the invasion of Ukraine.

​ №647 (Ottobre 2022) Jacques Camatte, Nothing is resolved.

Various topics and conviviality

№295 (834)(Gennaio 2015) Stefano Borselli, Random Fonts & Random Layout.

​  Understanding AnthropomorphosisA literary game.

​  Because the time has come to read itOuverture.

​ Pelham G. Wodehouse, The story of the hedgehogA Manifesto for Schools.

​ №585 (Febbraio 2021) Il Covile, After Davos. The prophecy of Armand Robin revisited.

​  Chronicles of the Covile’s typography

​ №643 (Agosto 2022) Nikos A. Salíngaros, In Memoriam Christopher Alexander.

Click on the cover to view or download the publication.

Jacques CamatteJacques Camatte
Nothing is resolved.

Copertina di Nothing is resolved.

Nikos A. SalíngarosNikos A. Salíngaros
In Memoriam Christopher Alexander.

Copertina di In Memoriam Christopher Alexander.

Jacques CamatteJacques Camatte
Death and extinction.
Concerning the invasion of Ukraine.

Copertina di Death and extinction.

Chronicles of the Covile’s typography

Copertina di Chronicles of the Covile’s typography

Il CovileIl Covile
After Davos. The prophecy of Armand Robin revisited.

Copertina di After Davos. The prophecy of Armand Robin revisited.

Jacques CamatteJacques Camatte
Inversion & the rupture in continuity.

Copertina di Inversion & the rupture in continuity.

Pelham G. WodehousePelham G. Wodehouse
The story of the hedgehog.
A Manifesto for Schools.

Copertina di The story of the hedgehog.

Stefano BorselliStefano Borselli
The divergence of '77.
Baudrillard-Camatte-Collu Versus Negri-Mieli-Foucault.

Copertina di The divergence of '77.

Jacques CamatteJacques Camatte
Enmity and extinction

Copertina di Enmity and extinction

Jacques CamatteJacques Camatte
Revue Invariance:

Copertina di Revue Invariance:

Jacques CamatteJacques Camatte
Revue Invariance:

Copertina di Revue Invariance:

Jacques CamatteJacques Camatte
The Instauration of the Risk of Extinction.

Copertina di The Instauration of the Risk of Extinction.

Because the time has come to read it.

Copertina di Because the time has come to read it.

Understanding Anthropomorphosis.
A literary game.

Copertina di Understanding Anthropomorphosis.

Stefano BorselliStefano Borselli
Random Fonts & Random Layout.

Copertina di Random Fonts & Random Layout.


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Wehrlos, doch in nichts vernichtet
Inerme, ma in niente annientato
(Der christliche Epimetheus
Konrad Weiß)


Legenda:     Translated by/Traduit par/Tradotto da;Title of the text in the edition/Titre du texte dans l'édition/Titolo del testo nell'edizione;  Title-Date of original text/Titre-Date du texte original/Titolo-Data del testo originale;  Downloadtext/Télécharger le texte/Scaricare il testo; Book / Livre / Libro;  Magazine/Revue/Rivista;  Print editions/Éditions imprimées/Edizioni cartacee;  Collections/Raccolte;  Manifestos/Manifestes/Manifesti;  Poems/Poèmes/Poesie;  Website.