Il Covile

Il Covile

ritrovo in rete
diretto da
stefano borselli

dal 2009
risorse conviviali
e varia umanità

Non rifiutare ma preferire (Nicolás Gómez Dávila)
La via del saggio è fare ma non contendere (Lao Tze)

English editions

A collection of English language issues of the magazine.​ Most read

In a nut shell

​ №560 (Luglio 2020) Jacques Camatte, Revue Invariance:From the index and some pages of presentation.

​ №580 (Dicembre 2020) Stefano Borselli, The divergence of '77Baudrillard-Camatte-Collu Versus Negri-Mieli-Foucault.

​ Karl Marx, On the pandemic.

​ Gruppo Gemeinwesen, For a minimal Theory of CapitalAnthology collection of excerpts on key concepts

Texts by Jacques Camatte

​  Attempt at a Comprehensive Bibliography of Jacques Camatte’s WritingsChronological order with edition list.

​ №554 (Giugno 2020) Jacques Camatte, The Instauration of the Risk of Extinction.

​ №560 (Luglio 2020) Jacques Camatte, Revue Invariance:From the index and some pages of presentation.

​ №571 (Ottobre 2020) Jacques Camatte, Enmity and extinction

​ №581 (Gennaio 2021) Jacques Camatte, Inversion & the rupture in continuity.

​ Jacques Camatte, SituationHere is where death is, here is where we have to jump.

​ №632 (Aprile 2022) Jacques Camatte, Death and extinctionConcerning the invasion of Ukraine.

​ №647 (Ottobre 2022) Jacques Camatte, Nothing is resolved.

Various topics and conviviality

№295 (834)(Gennaio 2015) Stefano Borselli, Random Fonts & Random Layout.

​  Understanding AnthropomorphosisA literary game.

​  Because the time has come to read itOuverture.

​ Pelham G. Wodehouse, The story of the hedgehogA Manifesto for Schools.

​ №585 (Febbraio 2021) Il Covile, After Davos. The prophecy of Armand Robin revisited.

​  Chronicles of the Covile’s typography

​ №643 (Agosto 2022) Nikos A. Salíngaros, In Memoriam Christopher Alexander.


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Wehrlos, doch in nichts vernichtet
Inerme, ma in niente annientato
(Der christliche Epimetheus
Konrad Weiß)


Legenda:     Translated by/Traduit par/Tradotto da;Title of the text in the edition/Titre du texte dans l'édition/Titolo del testo nell'edizione;  Title-Date of original text/Titre-Date du texte original/Titolo-Data del testo originale;  Downloadtext/Télécharger le texte/Scaricare il testo; Book / Livre / Libro;  Magazine/Revue/Rivista;  Print editions/Éditions imprimées/Edizioni cartacee;  Collections/Raccolte;  Manifestos/Manifestes/Manifesti;  Poems/Poèmes/Poesie;  Website.